Navigating communication right now is tricky.

Everyone seems to be surfing the learning curve of Videoconferencing and Tele-everything, all the while trying to be responsible in lowering the other curve—the one that truly matters. All companies, non-profits and organizations are continuously trying to find the best way to connect with their clients, customers and donors, with limited access to budget resources and sometimes physical resources too.

Whether you are a CEO or HR professional needing to get timely internal communication messages and training out to employees, or marketing, PR and brand professionals who find yourself looking for ways to reach the public, here are some tips to consider when producing content during these times.

1. Being considerate of valuable budget resources is key for everyone right now. Certainly, utilizing your website, established or new social media feeds and tools, and email is the initial step in reaching your public. However, the same rules that applied before, continue to apply today. Content needs to be engaging, creative, informative and true to your values as a brand.

2. Video and animation continue to gather clicks, views and shares rather than static content. Social media and marketing communication statistics support these findings whether on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok or your own website.

3. Production value still counts. Although we are all getting more comfortable in seeing self-produced messages and reporting from phone video, there is a desire from customers and clients to see well-produced messaging and content. The perception that your company, brand and leadership have the resources and desire to elevate and connect is comforting to the public and instills confidence.

4. With social distancing and timeline uncertainty both in place, on-location production will probably not be possible in the near future. That being said, companies are getting creative in how they approach their production. Thoughts about what elements you currently have in-house by way of stills, video footage, archived elements, and artwork can lead to some interesting ways of repurposing this content to create something new. And, many organizations are thinking about the possibilities of turning the original plan of live production into an animation approach.

5. And lastly, be on the positive side of change. This global event has and will continue to change the public, their behaviors and worldview. What that will mean for businesses, organizations and non-profits only time will tell. But for now, it is the time to represent optimism and hope that in spite of where we all find ourselves today, there will always be a place for shared stories, creative ideas and our connection to one another.

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